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Blindfold Roulette

title:Blindfold Roulette
download page:No link!
genre:Traditional games
developer:Kid friendly software
release:October 2015
features:text, sound
last edit by:Dark


Roulette is likely one of the most popular gambling games in history, indeed no casino would be complete without one or more brightly coloured spinning wheels all ready to empty your wallet.

Blindfold Roulette is the perfect chance to gamble virtual money on your favourite handheld device. First, select what type of roulette wheel you want to spin on then tap with three fingers to enter your default bet. After this swipe left and right to find a category of bet, swipe down to choose which item, and double tap to add your steak to that item (remember you can bet on multiple items). Categories include individual numbers, squares of numbers (four in a row), straights of numbers (six in a row), or a specific column, EG 1-13. For those who want to play it safe you can select a large bet, for example red or black, odd or even or 18-36, though bare in mind the payouts on these are rather small.

The Blindfold version of roulette comes with several choices of wheel, these include the American wheel with its 36 numbers, plus zero and the dreaded double zero, the French wheel which just has 36 numbers and a zero, or an alphabet wheel with 25 letters in which you can even bet on letters in specific words. There is then the chance to play double action versions of each wheel, which have one wheel inside the other and thus produce two numbers per spin, giving a whopping one thousand two hundred times your bet if you get both numbers correct, but obviously the chances of this happening are quite reduced.

blindfold Roulette starts you out with ten chips, each worth one virtual dollar/pound/euro. You can earn an extra five chips each day for entering the casino, or if you run out and are stuck, more chips can be bought, including an unlimited chips option for ten dollars.

As always with Ios titles there is This page on Applevis if your looking for more information about the game.


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