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genre:Role Playing Games
developer:Jeremy Kaldobsky also known as Aprone
release:September 2015
features:text, sound
last edit by:Dark


Pawprints is a game set in the same universe as Castaways though at a very different point in that world's history. The game takes place after an airship has crashed high in the mountains, leaving very few survivers. In the game you must take these ten survivers, including children and the elderly and try and manage their path back to civilization battling cold, hunger, and depression along the way.

The game however is not strictly speaking a resource management game. At each location along your journey, your survivers will come upon possible tasks to do such as hunting the wreckage of the airship for supplies, gathering firewood, burying corpses of the dead or even cutting them up for meet, some tasks may require items such as a knife, while others may require certain sorts of people I.E no children. Each of your ten people has various conditions and a personality, for example levels of cold, hunger and happiness, and traits such as being focused, unlikely to become unhappy due to the grizly circumstances or being a complainer, likely to make those around them less happy with constant winjing.

The game is turn based, and each day you decide what your survivers do, how much of a food ration they eat, how much fire you lay and when to move on to the next location, perhaps having to make tough decisions like leaving wounded survivers behind or trying to conserve food. A great deal in the game is randomized, from the traits of your survivers, to what dangers you encounter, to what you find along the way. Additionally, the game has several choices for a religion, or perhaps no religion. According to Aprone one of these religions is the true path, and some are false, however which might be true or false is a gamble, as is what actions you perform, however if you decide to select a religion at the start, be careful not to get the divine powers mad at you, ---- assuming there are any.

Access wise, as with most of Aprone's games, everything couldn't be more ideal. The game outputs directly to several screen readers including Jaws, Window eyes and Nvda, as well as sapi and everything is fairly standard menus that can be navigated with the arrow keys, though this is not just a textual game sinse there ar many atmospheric (and in places slightly grusome), sound effects to illustrate your fight for survival.

For people having problems running the game on later builds of Windows, Aprone provides the "checkup" file which will automatically check for and install any needed components necessary to run his games (this can be found in his other titles too). So if your having problems running the game it's recommended to give this a try.

With no two games ever quite the same, and the need to randomly manage the environment around you and make active choices on when to move on and when to leave things be, Pawprints is an extremely atmospheric and involving game that'll make you feel cold and hungry without being there. As a bonus, it's also absolutely free to download and play too.

Further information about Aprones games can be found The audio archive site


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