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Tick Tack Toe (braille soft)

title:Tick Tack Toe (braille soft)
download page:link
license:open source
genre:Traditional games
developer:Braille soft
platform:windows, dos and Pacmate
last edit by:Dark


Tick tack toe, known in England as Naughts and crosses is a simple two player strategy game in which you must make a line of three of three symbols on a 3x3 grid.

this is an open source version provided by Braille soft, which allows you to play against the computer. though the game uses a dos style window, full self-voicing speech support is provided via the language master synthesiser, so no screen reader is necessary to play.

Though braillesoft are no longer around, hosting for all their titles is provided thanks to the audiogaes archive.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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