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Dog and Cat

title:Dog and Cat
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genre:Puzzle Games
last edit by:Richard


Another free game by VIPgameszone and it is called Dog and Cat. In this game you are the dog and you have to force the cat in the tree. There are 4 trees which each stand in the corner of a 25 x 25 grid playing field.
You control the dog using the cursor keys. Use up arrow key to move ahead and the left or right arrow keys to turn. Use key d to know what direction you are facing. Use space bar to know your current position on the board.
First you must find out where the cat is. When you have found the cat you'll hear the dog's barking. The cat will move either ahead or diagonally in the direction you are moving. For example, if you are moving north and you land on the space occupied by the cat, the cat will move either north, northeast, or northwest. The cat will move only if the dog appears on the cat's cel.
You must force the cat to move to one of the corners. You'll hear special sound confirming that the cat is in the true and you'll recieve points for doing so.

There are two ways you lose. First, if the dog will make more then 100 steps on the board, you'll lose the game.Secondly, if you drive the cat out of the playing field. For example: the cat is on the cell 10x0, and the dog is on the cell 10x1, the dog's current direction is south. If you'll hit up arrow key to move to the cat's cell, the cat will jump over the fence and you'll lose the game.

Though vipgameszone themselves seem to have vanished from the Internet somewhere around August of 2018, their games are still available thanks to the audiogames archive.


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